Lead Seal – A Detailed Look

The Time-Tested Security of Lead Seal

Acme Lead Seals

For centuries, lead seal have played a crucial role in securing valuable goods, and their relevance continues in today’s high-security demands. Acme Seals, a leader in the security industry, presents its range of lead seals, combining traditional methods with modern technology.

Technical Specifications of Lead Seal

Acme Lead Seal are designed with precision to ensure the highest level of security. Here are their key specifications:

  • Material: 99.9% Pure lead, known for its malleability and durability.
  • Dimensions: Available in various sizes of diameter, holes, thickness and chamber width.
  • Design: Each seal features a round, flat surface, ideal for embossing or stamping identification marks.
  • Sealing Mechanism: The seals are used in conjunction with a wire (often made of copper or stainless steel) and a sealing tool, creating a custom imprint that is difficult to replicate or tamper with.
  • Tamper-Evidence: Any attempt to open the seal will result in visible damage, making unauthorized access easily detectable.

Applications of Lead Seal

electric fuse box

Lead seals from Acme Seals are versatile and find their use in various sectors. They are especially prevalent in utilities like water and electricity metering, where they secure meter boxes against tampering. In the shipping industry, they are used for securing drums and hatches, ensuring cargo remains untouched during transit. Their robust nature also makes them suitable for sealing safes, trucks, and railway cars.

Advantages and Considerations

Advantages over modern seal:
  • Security: The malleability of lead allows for a distinct imprint during sealing, making it highly tamper-evident.
  • Durability: Lead’s resistance to environmental factors ensures the seal’s integrity over time.
  • Customization: The ability to emboss or stamp unique markings provides an additional layer of security.

However, there are considerations to keep in mind:

  • Environmental Impact: Lead is a toxic material, so proper handling and disposal are crucial.
  • Limited Reusability: Once broken, lead seals cannot be reused, necessitating a careful application and removal process.

Installation and Best Practices

lead seal multiple view

Proper installation is key to the effectiveness of lead seals:

  1. Prepare the Seal: Select an appropriate size and prepare the wire (copper or stainless steel) to be used.
  2. Thread the Wire: Pass the wire through the item to be sealed.
  3. Attach the Seal: Position the lead seal on the wire and use a sealing tool to press it, imprinting a unique mark.


Acme Lead Seal represent a blend of traditional security methods and modern needs. Ideal for a range of industries from utilities to shipping, they provide a secure and tamper-evident solution. While considering their environmental impact, these seals stand as a reliable choice for specific applications where durability and a clear indication of tampering are required.

For those in need of a secure sealing solution, Acme’s Lead Seal offer a proven and effective option for you. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today!