Compliance Certificates

Compliance must be supported by Certificates or Documents all of which must be issued by Independent Bodies with whom they have no links or affiliations.

It is mandatory within ISO17712:2013 that all Manufacturer and Supplier claims for ISO17712:2013 compliance must be supported by Certificates or Documents.

# Certificate/Document Source Subject
Corporate ISO 9001:2015 ISO Accredited Auditor Quality Assurance
Corporate ISO 17712:2013 Independent Auditor Business Processes and Practices
Product ISO/IEC
including Scope for 17712 testing
Product Testing Laboratory Laboratory Processes and Practices
Product Classification test results Product Testing Laboratory Product Compliance

There are many security seal manufacturers who
are claiming that they are able to offer C-TPAT Compliant Security
Seals as a specific part of their marketing, promotion and sales activities.

Sorry – they cannot !

These claims are influencing Buyers who, when issuing supply tenders or request for
quotations, are stipulating that they require C-TPAT compliant seals.

Sorry – there is no such thing !

And here is the reason why:-

Within the USCBP C-TPAT guidelines there is only
one reference to the use of security seals and this states that:

“A high security seal must be affixed to all loaded C-TPAT importer
containers bound for the U.S. All seals must meet or exceed the current PAS ISO 17712 standards for high
security seals.”

You will note from the C-TPAT wording there is no such thing as a “C-TPAT compliant
seal” there is only the single reference to ISO 17712 seals – check it out for yourself by visitng the
following link:

The Acme Bolt seal is an ISO 17712 H compliant Bolt Seal and
therefore may be used on U.S. bound C-TPAT traffic.

Acme Seals Certificates and Documents