5 Most Common Mistakes businesses Make When Using Security Seals

5 Common Mistakes Businesses Make When Using Security Seals (And How to Avoid Them)

In the logistics and manufacturing industries, security seals play a critical role in safeguarding products during transportation. Unfortunately, businesses often overlook the importance of properly using these security measures, leading to tampered goods, lost assets, and potential compliance issues.

In this article, we’ll explore five common mistakes businesses make with security seals and provide expert solutions on how to avoid them. These insights will help you improve your security protocols and protect your valuable shipments.

Why Security Seals Are Important for Your Business

Before we dive into the common mistakes, it’s important to understand why security seals matter. Whether you’re transporting raw materials, sensitive products, or valuable equipment, the right security seal ensures that your goods arrive intact and untampered. Failing to use them correctly can lead to theft, loss, and damaged reputation.

Security seals are not just tools—they are your business’s first line of defense in protecting assets. Below, we’ll highlight five critical mistakes and provide practical solutions to enhance your business’s supply chain security.

1. Choosing the Wrong Type of Security Seal

Mistake: Many businesses opt for the wrong type of seal, thinking that one-size-fits-all. For example, using lightweight plastic seals for high-value shipments can compromise the security of the entire supply chain.

Solution: To avoid this, choose the right security seal based on your needs. For instance, Acme Seals offers heavy-duty container seals for high-value cargo and plastic seals for low-risk shipments. Consider factors like product value, transportation method, and regulatory requirements when selecting a seal. By using the correct type of security seal, you can enhance the safety of your shipments while maintaining cost-efficiency.

2. Neglecting Regular Seal Inspections

Mistake: Another common error is failing to inspect seals during transit. Security seals are not set-and-forget tools. If they aren’t checked at key points during transport, tampering or theft may go unnoticed until it’s too late.

Solution: Establish a strict seal inspection protocol. Make it standard practice to inspect the seal at every checkpoint along the shipping route. Regularly documenting the condition of each seal helps ensure transparency and prevents unnoticed tampering. Acme Seals’ tamper-evident solutions make it easy to spot any breach, helping you take action before it’s too late.

3. Inadequate Training for Employees

Mistake: Without proper training, employees may incorrectly apply seals or fail to notice signs of tampering. Improper handling can nullify the effectiveness of your security measures.

Solution: Regularly train your team on best practices for applying security seals and checking for signs of tampering. Offering training workshops or digital learning modules ensures that your staff understands how to use and monitor security seals effectively. Acme Seals offers resources to assist with staff training, ensuring your team is well-prepared to protect your assets.

4. Ignoring the Seal’s Unique Identification (UID) Number

Mistake: Many businesses overlook the importance of recording the unique identification (UID) number on each security seal. Without documenting this information, it becomes impossible to track tampering incidents or loss during transportation.

Solution: Always record the UID number before and after shipments. This allows you to trace any issues back to their origin, ensuring accountability throughout the supply chain. Acme Seals provides highly customizable seals with easily readable UIDs, perfect for maintaining traceability from start to finish.

5. Reusing Security Seals

Mistake: To save costs, some businesses attempt to reuse security seals, but this compromises their effectiveness. Once a seal is broken, it can no longer provide reliable tamper evidence.

Solution: Always use new seals for each shipment. Security seals are designed to be single-use for a reason—reusing them weakens their ability to protect your goods. With Acme Seals’ cost-effective products, you can afford to prioritize safety without breaking the bank.

Improve Your Security with Acme Seals

Now that you know the most common mistakes businesses make with security seals, it’s time to take action. By choosing the right seal, training your staff, and regularly inspecting shipments, you can safeguard your goods and maintain trust with your clients.

At Acme Seals, we provide a wide range of customizable seals, from high-security container seals to everyday plastic seals, designed to meet the needs of various industries. Our team of experts can help you select the best seal for your business, ensuring maximum security and peace of mind.

Secure Your Shipments Now!

Protecting your business assets doesn’t have to be complicated. Let Acme Seals help you avoid these common mistakes and strengthen your security protocols. Contact us today for a free consultation, and we’ll help you choose the perfect security solution for your needs.